

Inspired by the recent events of the bittersweet 'victory' of the West Memphis Three and the tragic execution of Troy Davis, we wrote a song yesterday night called the curtains are drawn
If you want to help wrongfully convicted people sitting on death row, get informed here: the innocence project
Information about the death penalty worlwide here: Amnesty International.
Sign the worldwide petition against the death penalty here: STOP DEATH PENALTY.

Inspirés par les récents évènements de la 'victoire' en demi-teinte des West Memphis 3 et de l'exécution tragique de Troy Davis, nous avons composé une chanson hier soir appelée the curtains are drawn.
Pour aider les détenus qui ont été condamnés à tort et qui sont toujours dans le couloir de la mort: the innocence project
Des informations sur la peine de mort dans le monde: Amnesty International.
Pour signer la pétition universelle contre la peine de mort (demande d'un moratoire international): STOP DEATH PENALTY.


one last cocktail of hypocracy
the final show of the spectacle society
and what are last words but a joke really
when no one hears...

the curtains, the curtains, the curtains are drawn

one last dose of politricks
playing with lives like children play with lego bricks
and what is justice but cowardice
when social issues are handled with one last vengeance meal

the curtains, the curtains, the curtains are drawn

hi vengeance
hi violence
hi vacuity
hi vigilantes

hi ignorance
hi intolerance
hi inoperative
hi insanity

but the curtains are drawn
'cause what are we but decent people

and our eyes are closed
'cause justice is blind and so are decent people
'cause justice is blind and so are pretty decent people

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